Submit Personal Essays for NIP’s Journal

National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) Journal:

Psychoanalytic Perspectives: An International Journal of Integration and Innovation


Pieces submitted to this section should describe an emotionally engaging and compelling experience from the author’s personal life. Subjects can vary from childhood to adult experiences, phantasmal or historical. The story must depict something moving or memorable. The “Lives” section of the New York Times Magazine represents the kind of writing appropriate for this section. Examples include such experiences as first love, a death, a moment that defined your career, an experience that altered your life or loss of a loved one, including a patient.

The essay should be written in literary form rather than scholarly style, so that the reader is engaged in a personal experience with the narrator. The length should be no more than 14 pages, double spaced. Click here for more information.

Adolescents and non-therapists are welcome to submit.

Clemens Loew,Ph.D.
Editor, Private Lives,
PSYCHOANALYTIC PERSPECTIVES: A Journal of Integration and Innovation